Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jasons Blog Reflection

1. It made me more aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy body.


3. I need to be more specific when writing and try to get more details so the reader will not have additional questions.

4. Yes, because I can do more research on my own to try to maintain a healthy body.

5. The high point of this writing was being able to finish the writing and knowing that it was finished.

6. The low point of this writing was not knowing whether or not enough information was written and if I was satisfying the reader.

7. Trying to write so someone reading would understand what I was trying to say.

8. I reread my writing and notes to get a clearer picture and tried to imagine someone else reading it.

9. I have learned that I need to relax and not stress over writing. It makes it easier to write the paper and my thoughts are more focused.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Next Basketball Superstar

11 year old kid Jayshawn Augusto already being called the next superstar.